
Unprecedented results and deliverables achieved with TOPO

Partisan Consulting Ltd. is happy to be able to report results from a remarkable project our team completed at a government entity involved in the monetization of non-performing loans and assets. The project required accelerated, comprehensive process and data documentation and analysis on a scale that significantly exceeded what would have been possible using standard process capture methods and software. TOPO, our web-based, 3D process model environment with integrated data and analytical support, provided the structure and means needed to capture all task and decision attributes at the required rate and level of detail.

Here are some highlights on what our team accomplished and delivered in roughly 2 months:

1) Captured over 1,500 tasks and decisions, with fully integrated attributes, using TOPO in 10 days (unprecedented volume and detail, and still a bit unbelievable in retrospect even to ourselves).

A partial list of 'full attributes' captured on a   task-by-task basis  included all control policies, procedures, workflow criteria, compliance requirements, laws, management instructions, wait times, process times, actual times, throughput, work state frequencies, roles, FTEs/task, % involvement/task, salaries, supervisors, systems, modules, applications, data stores, locations, non-IT assets, documents, spreadsheets, forms, and data elements.

2) Provided a web-based, touch-enabled, 3D process model with full attribute access for all tasks and decisions

3) Provided a comprehensive 9-factor dashboard on the overall process for upper management

4) Provided comprehensive 8-factor dashboards on each individual task for analysts and users

5) Provided pre-defined, standard queries linked to our proprietary ‘process-as-a-display’ capability

6) Provided ad hoc, user-defined query support linked to our ‘process-as-a-display’ capability

7) Provided the ability to generate a dynamic, 1:1 Standard Operating Procedure with full attributes for all tasks in one click

8) Provided the ability to generate a retro, 2D flowchart format diagram of the 3D process model captured in TOPO in one click

9) Provided an Organization Chart showing the functional relationship between all roles

10) Provided data on the number of supported tasks and manner of RACI involvement for all roles

11) Provided detailed Job Descriptions for all roles involved in the process

12) Cleansed and consolidated a Thai / English glossary of key terms to be used on future processes

13) Provided a Step Diagram showing the lifecycle of all documents, forms and spreadsheets

14) Provided the union set of data needed to support document consolidation or elimination

15) Provided training on process concepts and analysis to over 70 client IT and management resources

16) Provided hands-on TOPO proficiency training for 20 client IT and BA resources

17) Provided a Process Optimization Roadmap that identified, analyzed and presented issues, quantified impact, prioritization, recommended solutions, expected benefits and timeframes

In the end, we presented recommendations based on captured process data that could save over $20,000/case, and reduce the average time needed to monetize NPLs by well over a year. We finished this project with the confidence of knowing what our methods and product are capable of handling. We’ve proven that TOPO isn’t just unbelievably capable, it’s also remarkably robust.

Partisan Consulting is committed to providing an unparalleled level of tactical consulting services in operations management. Our proprietary tools, methods and decades of field experience allow us to quickly establish a detailed, holistic understanding of each client. We have resources available on a project or retained outsourced basis.

TOPO is a software-as-a-service, business analysis engine developed by Partisan Consulting, Ltd. Users are given the means to fully interact, understand and work within a touch-enabled environment of 3D process models, integrated operational data, facilitated analysis and auto-generated standard operating procedures. To learn more, please visit our website at, or the TOPO Business Analysis Engine page on Facebook.

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